Posts tagged Scott VanEpps
(U-M Engineering) Weil Institute Associate Director and team develop coating that kills the COVID virus and other germs in minutes

(Source: Michigan Engineering) Weil Institute Associate Director Scott VanEpps, MD, PhD, and Weil Institute member Anish Tuteja, PhD are part of a team of immunologists and engineers developing a durable coating that can quickly kill bacteria and viruses. The coating proved deadly to SARS-CoV-2 , E. coli, MRSA and a variety of other pathogens in a recent study.

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Game-changing Study Aims to Identify Pneumonia Pathogens Faster with Breakthrough Technologies

Pneumonia has been around for centuries and remains a major cause of morbidity, mortality, and healthcare expense today.

The most commonly used method for identifying respiratory pathogens in pneumonia - bacterial culture - was first developed in the 1880s. Though there have been many breakthroughs in our treatment of pneumonia - such as antibiotics and mechanical ventilation - our clinical identification of respiratory pathogens still relies on the time-consuming culture-based techniques.

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